Sunday, December 2, 2007

# 23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

My view is that it is only the beginning, & not the end. I can honestly say that Learning 2.0 has thoroughly stimulated me. I have gained a lot of knowledge & skills that now i can independently utilse. "My resources are now the richer".

My favourite discovery exercises comsist of:

*manipulating images with Flicker
*creating my own search engine with Rollyo
*setting up my own social bookmarks with
*contributing to the Favourite Leisure Time Activity Wiki
*Making full use of the Web-based Applications
*Coming up to speed with video sharing & podcasts

I must say that the challenge exercises intrigued me. I got a real buzz when i achieved the challenge exercises.

Next time round though, some instruction needs to be more methodical. Some people are struggling to complete the program as the instruction provided is not clear enough.

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